Demo Re-Release

Hello again, sorry that it's been a while since I've posted to this devlog. This announcement is for the re-release of the demo, with newer art and some slight changes to the script, maybe small changes to the GUI if I'm up to it. Above is the new character sprites I've been working on, and as for CGs... well, we'll just have to wait and see.

Since it's been so long from when I released the demo last year and since I've been bad at communicating with my audience, I'm going to try to change that and make this more interactive on my part as I didn't expect this project to take so long. I might be opening up an Ask Me Anything on here or on my Tumblr once a week or so, but I don't know what kind of reception that would get. For now, please wait for the new demo! Thank you for being patient with me!

(Also, expect a brand new, shorter game from me along with the demo's re-release (((o(*゚▽゚*)o))) )

Get Mark of Lost Royalty - DEMO

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